Ultimate Goal Of Strategy

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Improving your position in organic search engines is done through time-proven processes, which encompass not only regular strategies on the page or off page, but also social engagements, local SEO strategies, make use of the enriched fragment Google, improve content, improve news, etc. As SEO evolves, there are several fundamental elements in its base; the following is a list of some of the best practices for SEO that we follow to get the best results:
Keyword Analysis and Research.            
It all starts with the keywords. Identifying and selecting the "correct" keywords is key to the success of the campaign. Finding the right keywords means the type of "right" visit. Successful keyword research will improve the conversion of your web page - shopping or queries are the focal point of the Turnover SEO action plan.

A significant component of making your website visible from search engines is the development of a website structure that is "user-friendly" with search engines, and that you carefully plan the density of keywords, their location And its importance. This will serve to optimize the base elements of the web page, such as meta-tags, page content, navigation, root navigation, headers and footers, etc.
Auditing and evaluation of the technical website              
All web pages have their specific areas of technical SEO weaknesses. Turnover evaluate and provide improvements on the page, to optimize its position in relation to the "friendliness towards search engines" from his regular website. This will take care of identifying and repairing errors of your website, such as duplicate content, poor URL scheme, page architecture fixes, hidden text removal, improved page download time, etc.

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Marketing and Content Development   
A key factor in successfully improving the natural position of your website is the addition of a dense content of relevant and weight-bearing keywords both inside and outside your website. Turnover will work with you to develop strong content that meets the specific requirements agreed upon. This will include adding more content rich pages to your website on the site and writing content to generate more quality links to the site through articles, press releases, blog articles, etc.

Social Commitment        
SEO works well with social media, because we use social media as part of improving SEO to increase monitoring and commitment of your page with social media (Google+, Facebook, Twitter and more).
SEO Out of Page / Link Building This includes building an SEO off page comprehensive or doing link building campaigns which will provide higher quality, visits links that work to increase the authority of the domain of your website. Turnover gives you an Intensive Link Analysis to understand your website (as well as competitive links), which includes:

    Evaluation of the competition in search of keywords.
    Site links (keywords / Destination URLs)
    List of natural link exchange partners (keywords / industries)
    Review Competition Results

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Local SEO Strategies         
Local SEO strategies are part of everything that makes up the SEO action plan, which ensures that your website is on the first page for all keywords that have been selected within your city, county, state or country. As part of this service, we will arrange subpoenas, reviews and location optimization with the goal of your website is on the first page of search engines and within listed on maps and other local directories.

SEO Ecommerce Strategies
At Turnover we have experience in all the most popular e-commerce or e-commerce platforms on the market, whether with Magneto, Mambo, X-cart, Joomla or Drupal. Our plan includes evaluating the weaknesses and opportunities of your online store and pointing out the ideal SEO e-commerce strategies to help your website and your e-commerce have greater visibility in the search engines.

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