Content Marketing & Blogging

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The more followers you have, the more range your tweets will have and all the information you send. Twitter is great for creating viral marketing and making a link to your blog or website be shared hundreds or even thousands of times. To achieve this you need to put into practice a good method of positioning and gradually gaining influence in the followers who are getting.

In addition to sharing information and multimedia, Twitter is great for talking about anything and interacting with people with common interests. This is the social network that more companies use to provide customer service. To win more followers you can start following people who are interested in your topic, start talking to them, share valuable information and little by little you will be better known and your followers will increase.

Google's social network came a little late in the battle and that's why it did not have the impact it could have had if we had had it since before. Still, it's a good social network for sharing content, creating groups and interacting with users. Google has given importance to the times that +1 is made to content on the Internet, so along with Facebook likes and Tweets, it has become an important factor for SEO and Web positioning.In addition to this, with Google Plus we can add our photo and make it appear in the search results. This helps a lot to branding and to have a higher CTR.

LinkedIn is the social network to connect with other professionals in your industry, create relationships, contacts and possible alliances. It is also good to create groups, interact and meet people who are in the same niche or market. It is much more specific than the previous ones, but it also works very well. I do not consider it indispensable. Although it certainly has unique benefits.

If you are going to include videos in your content marketing, YouTube will be indispensable in your strategy. Create a channel, add videos and sync them with your blog and your other social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. With Youtube you can generate a lot of traffic and also share content in another format very different from the articles written.

If you are going to have a strong branding strategy, Instagram can help you to recognize you more easily through attractive and fun images. You can also use it so that your audience knows you more as a person and what you do. This way they trust you more because they do not see you as a business but as an ordinary person <unk>

All these social networks fit perfectly into your blogging strategy. They will allow you to have more traffic, more readers, subscribers and of course sales. Your blog is a very important channel of communication and growth for any business; By using it correctly with social networks you can get all the benefits we already saw.

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Social Networking Tips

Quality over quantity
It is not good to abuse publications on social networks. Always put as a priority a good rhythm of content publication and quality information and not things that are useless to your followers or fans. Of course it is also good to share comic things, historical data, leisure videos or anything similar. As long as you arouse an emotional reaction and relate it to you or your brand you are going to be on the right track. Just do not post 100 tweets or 40 Facebook posts a day.

No direct selling
As we have seen, social networks help branding, content marketing and positioning. Do not use it only as a means of direct selling or promotion because it will not work. The sale comes already in the sales funnel or Web page.

Beware of distractions
Social networking is a great distraction that greatly affects productivity and online effectiveness. It is important not to be distracted and to be clear what the use will be given to each of the platforms.Posting tweets or sending information via Facebook alone does not help at all. There are more important things in any business and marketing strategy.

Unless you are a specialist community manager, it is best to delegate your social networks to anyone else and deal with other important things like sales, advertising, product creation, planning, etc.In many freelancing sites you will find people who know how to handle different platforms and with whom you can create an excellent plan of marketing in social networks. You create the plan and the freelancer executes it.

Try to always form an active community in your social networks, especially on Twitter and Facebook. The more interaction and response there is to your posts, the more trust and reputation you will achieve.
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Remember that trust is crucial to growing and selling.
A social media marketing plan can offer you excellent benefits for your internet business. Remember also to be careful because just as the good and valuable is shared quickly and vitally, so does the bad.
Choose the social networks that best fit your business model (I recommend using at least Twitter, Facebook- and Google Plus if you're going to do SEO-), create a solid plan with clear objectives, communication channels and how all platforms Will work in conjunction with your blog, your website and all other components of your business.

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